A few friends got together and thought the building industry across the state should be represented as a whole. On May 18, 1959 a Charter was granted by the National Home Builders Association (NAHB) to the Home Builders Association of WV. The total membership across the state was just under 300 members. The first “official” meeting of the Association was held on 2/17/1961 at the law offices of W. Kennon Cowden in Huntington, WV for the purpose of adopting the Constitution and By-laws and other proper business for the HBAWV.
In 1959 the average cost of a single family home was $37,400.00 and the average annual income was $5,016.00. Our first catch phrase was “A Building State is a Progressive State”. The first state convention was hosted by Tri-State Home Builders Association in 1967 and held at the Frederick Hotel in Huntington, WV. Since that date, the Association has enjoyed continued growth and expansion as we strive to assist and promote the building industry across this great state. Today the Association has 700 members across 9 locals.