West Virginia Division of Labor Licensing – HVAC update regarding licensing
The West Virginia Division of Labor Licensing has issued a notice regarding HVAC licensing.
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
State Capitol Complex – Building 3, Room 200 – Charleston, West Virginia 25305
Email: Licensing@wv.gov – Fax: (304) 558-5174 – Telephone: (304) 558-7890 – Website: labor.wv.gov
Regulation of Heating, Ventilating and Cooling Work
Changes were made to §21-16 by the Legislature during the 2018 session which will allow qualified applicants with 2,000 hours of experience and/or training working on heating, ventilating and cooling systems to acquire an HVAC Residential Technician certification without taking an examination.
Once the Emergency Rule has been approved by the Secretary of State and becomes active, HVAC Residential Technician applications will be available at the Division of Labor and our website www.labor.wv.gov and the Division will begin accepting and processing.
The time-period to acquire a certification without examination expires on December 31, 2019.
January 1, 2020: All HVAC Residential Technician applicants will be required to submit an examination score report with their application/affidavit and applicable fee.
Classification Definitions
HVAC Technician means a person licensed to install, test, maintain and repair both residential and nonresidential heating, ventilating and cooling systems. Cost: $75.00 per year.
HVAC Residential Technician means a person licensed to install, test, maintain and repair residential heating, ventilating, and cooling systems: Provided, That such persons may perform work on nonresidential heating, ventilating, and cooling systems subject to rules promulgated by the commissioner pursuant to §21-16-3 of this code. Cost: $60.00 per year.
HVAC Technician in Training means a person with interest in and an aptitude for performing installation, maintenance, and repair work to a heating, ventilating, and cooling system as defined in this article, but who alone is not capable or authorized to perform heating, ventilating, and cooling system work unless directly supervised by an HVAC Technician or an HVAC Residential Technician. Cost: $50.00 per year.
Current HVAC Technicians in Training having 2,000 hours of experience and/or training working on heating, ventilating and cooling systems may upgrade to an HVAC Residential Technician certification until December 31, 2019 without taking the HVAC Residential Technician examination.
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East – State Capitol Complex – Building 3, Room 200
Charleston, WV 25305
Email: Licensing@wv.gov – Fax: (304) 558-5174 – Telephone: (304) 558-7890
HVAC Residential Technician Certification Application/Affidavit
General Information: (Please Print)
Name: ________________________________________ Phone #: ____________________________
First Middle Initial Last
Social Security Number: ____________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: __________ Zip: __________ County: ______________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Have you licensed as a Technician in WV before? Yes No If yes, License #: ____________
Type of License:
HVAC Residential Technician
I certify I have at least two thousand hours (2,000) of experience and/or training working on HVAC systems.
Please submit any documentation proving experience and/or training with this application.
(No Examination Required)
Examination: On and after January 1, 2020, All HVAC Residential Technician Applicants will be required to submit an examination score report.
__________________________ __________________________
(Date of Examination) (Score)
Fee: HVAC Residential Technician – $60.00
Please attach a check, certified check, cashier’s check or money order made payable to the West Virginia Division of Labor, NO CASH PLEASE.
The undersigned hereby certifies under penalty of perjury that information provided on this application/affidavit is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I realize that making a false statement may result in loss of my license.
Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________________
(Applicant’s Signature)
Subscribed and sworn to before me, the undersigned Notary Public this _____ day of ________________,
20 _____. My commission expires _______________________.
Notary Public